An Anti-Ageing Guide For Your Face Shape 

When it comes to anti-ageing, there are many determinants that can influence the appearance of our face. Some of the most obvious include lifestyle factors such as if you smoke and drink regularly, your sun exposure and how much water you drink. While these are commonly known, it’s not as widely realised that your face shape can have a big impact upon the anti-ageing methods that work best for you. Opting for products designed for your skin type (oily, dry, combination) can help to an extent, but it’s time you started looking a little more closely in the mirror. Here we’ve put together an anti-ageing guide for every face shape…

Face shapes and their impact on your anti-ageing method

The majority of faces can be categorised into either round, oval, square or heart. To find your face shape, tie your hair back so you get a clear outline of your face. Take a look in the mirror and see which category yours falls under. If you’re struggling to find the right shape, draw the outline of your face on your mirror with a whiteboard pen or with lipstick. This will help you to easily identify the shape.

Face shape – Round

If you have a round shaped face, you’ve likely always had plump and voluminous cheeks, giving a more youthful appearance. As you age and lose collagen and elasticity in your skin, the skin around your cheekbones can drop and sag, reducing the definition of your jawline and resulting in wrinkles. To combat this, hyaluronic fillers in the cheeks can be advised to help combat these signs of ageing and restore that mid-facial volumes that contributed to your youthful looks. Your smile lines could also become more pronounced so you might want to consider other injectable treatments such as skin boosters to remove or reduce the appearance of these.

Face shape – Oval

If you have an oval face shape, when you age you tend to experience issues with both the upper and lower parts of the face. You might lose the definition of your cheekbones causing them to look gaunt and you could experience issues with ageing around the eyes such as hooded eyelids, dark under-eye shadows and crow’s feet. Use products that contain antioxidants as well as a high SPF to help retain moisture in your skin and keep it protected from external factors like UV rays and pollution. To treat crow’s feet, botulinum  toxin injections can be provided after a medical consultation with a licensed practitioner. Dark under-eye shadows or tear troughs can be treated with small amounts of dermal filler which is often introduced under the skin using a cannula to ensure safety.  

Face shape – Square

Square face shapes are often defined by their pronounced jawline that tends to be as wide as the forehead (or thereabouts.) It’s similar to a round face but with more defined edges. Studies have found that square faces tend to age the best, however there are still things you can do to slow down the inevitable change in your skin. If you have a square face, two of the main ageing issues are likely to be the loosening of skin to the jaw and neck. Combat these with neck creams or you could opt for a neck lift or a non-surgical procedure such as lasering or a skin peel. Bioremodelling treatments such as Profhilo or Harmonica may support the skin in regaining its youthful elasticity and firmness and tighten the appearance of a softening jawline. 

Face shape – heart

Heart-shaped faces are characterised by the forehead being the widest part of the face and your chin being pointed. Some people might have a widow’s peak at the hairline, but this isn’t necessary to still define your face as a heart shape. With this face shape, ageing tends to happen more to the upper part of the face such as the eyes, forehead and temples. The periorbital area and forehead can be treated with Botulinum toxin injections and medical grade skincare products. Try a retinol or AHA-based product to promote the turnover of the skin layer and improve evenness, tone and texture. 

When it comes to anti-ageing for your face shape, this guide should help you discover that it’s far from a one-size-fits-all approach and you are much more likely to achieve great results if you consider the unique features and characteristics of your face before seeking treatment. A qualified aesthetician will be able to work with you during a facial assessment to help define these characteristics and come up with a treatment plan that is ideal for you.  To find out more about any of the treatments mentioned in this piece, check out this link.

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