Lip Fillers Aftercare – How To Care For Your Pout

Lip fillers have become such a popular treatment in the UK that everyone is taking to social media post-treatment to flaunt their new pout.

But what about lip filler aftercare? While the procedure itself may only take a few minutes, it’s critical to know what to expect post-treatment and how to take the necessary steps to prevent infection or pain.

We’ve broken down some helpful tips to help assist with the lip fillers healing process.

Lip filler aftercare tips

Managing side effects

You’ll inevitably experience swelling after the procedure. The extent of this is dependent on the amount of filler administered and the way your lips react to it. Despite this, downtime post-treatment will be minimal, and you’ll find that you’re able to resume life as normal directly after your appointment. Short-term side effects can include a small amount of bleeding, bruising, swelling or tenderness. For any side effects that do occur, it’s best to apply an ice pack—this will help ease lip filler bruising, swelling and itching. 

If you’re experiencing pain, it’s essential to check with your doctor which painkillers you can take in the following days. Generally, though, paracetamol is acceptable, while Ibuprofen should be avoided, as it thins the blood and may result in increased swelling.

Eating after lip fillers

It’s advisable to wait until the numbing agent has worn off before eating after your lip filler treatment. For the 24 hours that follow, it’s best to avoid foods that are difficult to chew or messy to eat, to minimise the need for having to wipe the lips and disturb the injection sites. You should avoid foods that are rich in sodium, as this can increase swelling. Healthy fruits and vegetables should be the main focus of your diet for the first couple of days, and drinking plenty of water should be a priority.

You should also avoid Vitamin-E supplements for the first 48 hours after lip fillers, as this may increase the risk of bruising and swelling.

Exercise and activities

It would help if you took it easy for the first couple of days, avoiding strenuous exercise or activities. This also stands for high-temperature situations such as saunas, steam rooms or hot yoga. Elevated blood pressure, heart rate or heat can make bruising or swelling worse.

While you should avoid intense exercise, it’s OK to engage in light activities such as walking and running errands.

What to avoid after lip filler treatment

There are several things that your practitioner and doctor are likely to recommend avoiding in the immediate aftermath of your treatment. These may include:

  • Alcohol- Like Ibuprofen, alcohol is a blood thinner that causes the blood vessels to dilate. This can create or aggravate existing bruising or swelling on the lips.
  • Sun exposure- Even on cloudy days, excess sun exposure can be detrimental to skin treated with facial fillers. Avoiding high temperatures and exposing yourself to direct sunlight is the best way to prevent these effects.
  • Flying- Although you should seek advice from your doctor, it’s generally recommended to wait a week before flying. The pressure within an aircraft can intensify swelling and cause unnecessary bruising that may be painful.

Tips for prolonging your pout

Filler treatments can be understandably pricey, especially when regular follow-up appointments are required. There are a number of steps you can take to keep your fillers looking fantastic and maximise your lip filler aftercare:

  • Minimise stress- The extra hormones produced when stress occurs may contribute to a premature breakdown of filler treatments. Where possible, it’s beneficial to try to manage stress factors as much as you can.
  • Consider different types of filler- There are different types of filler available, and it might take an initial treatment to determine the level of thickness that’s right for you. If you find that the filler is being absorbed by your body more quickly than anticipated, it’s best to consult with your practitioner to discuss your options for your next appointment.
  • Schedule top-ups strategically- If you’d like a consistent look that doesn’t fluctuate too much between treatments, it’s best to schedule routine appointments to maintain the desired result. This also avoids top-ups looking too noticeable.

Follow advice from your practitioner

Without a doubt, the best preventative measure you can take in lip filler aftercare starts before you’ve had your treatment. A thorough consultation with an experienced practitioner who is a qualified medical professional is the best way to ensure that the quality of treatment you’re receiving is of a high standard.

An excellent clinician will take the necessary time to obtain a detailed medical history from you, and in turn, provide you with a comprehensive aftercare guide that is tailored to your health and needs. 

Lip fillers by Acquisition Aesthetics

At Acquisition Aesthetics, our acclaimed practitioners are proud to work with medical professionals, providing award-winning courses for botox and fillers. As part of our programme, we’re delighted to offer our model patients the opportunity to benefit from our internationally-renowned lip filler treatment at a fraction of the price you’d expect to pay in a clinic.

Overseen by our faculty of expert practitioners, all of our delegates are fully qualified medical professionals with extensive training in head and neck anatomy. As a model patient with Acquisition Aesthetics, you’ll be in the safe hands of those that will prioritise your treatment goals and will help you leave our facility feeling like the best version of you. 

If you’re interested in becoming a model at our gold-standard training academy, you can find more information here. You can also call 0203 514 8757 or email to speak to a member of our team.

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